Special anti-twist pull cable NR15 Maxilift (optional PPI: plastic core)

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Construction: The special MAXILIFT cable is a 34-strand compacted, ultra-flexible, high tensile strength, non-spinning cable. Optionally can be manufactured with plastic core.

Applications: Tower cranes, self-propelled cranes, crawler cranes, off-shore cranes, other equipment with intensive working regime involving high lifting loads and avoidance of load rotation or operation in .

Specific technologies. Performing.

  • Momentum compensation (anti-twist cables Cat. 1. Stability of the pivoting lifting block.
    The inner layers (the heart of the cable) have a wrapping direction opposite to the outer layer.
    The tendency of the rope to rotate under load is almost 0 even at high lifting heights.

  • Special 34-strand design: ultra-flexible cable resistant to a large number of bends.
  • Compacted strand: increases service life due to increased wear resistance, low elongation and good flexibility.
  • Extremely high breaking strengths due to large metal cross-sectional area
  • Stable cable structure and increased bending resistance

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Note: Anti-spin ropes can be used in conjunction with a swivel hook (swivel lifting block).

Cable field of use

Areas of activity


Cable core material


Resistance to rotation



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