Oliveira DP8K special traction cables (optional PPI: plastic core)

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Construction: The DP8K special cable is a special cable with 8 compacted strands, parallel construction, with extremely high breaking strengths. Optionally can be manufactured with plastic core.

Applications: Two-drum hoists, tandem rope hoist systems, boom rope for self-propelled cranes, tower and ship cranes.

Specific technologies. Performance

  • Special 8-strand design: reduces stress in the rope by increasing the number of contact points between the rope and the machine roller

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  • Compacted strand: increases service life due to increased wear resistance, low elongation and good flexibility.
  • Extremely high breaking strengths due to parallel construction
  • Stable cable structure and increased resistance to bending and crushing

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Warning: the DP8K is not a twist-proof cable. Not for use with a swivel device. Max. 1.5 degree angle of flight.

Cable field of use

Areas of activity


Cable core material


Resistance to rotation



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