Anti-skid chains for trucks – ROMB model, R.A.R./SET approved

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Technical data sheet – Anti-skid plates romb truck_updated_2023Theanti skid platestype ROMB for commercial and industrial vehicles manufactured by EL-CAR are so built as to meet the challenges of the road in extremely harsh winter conditions. They comply with ONORM V5119 requirements and are R.A.R. approved.

These anti-skid nets are made of cemented chains (heat treated and surface hardened steel) with straight links.
The chain profile and size are specially chosen to ensure maximum grip.

Fitting these anti-skid chains is simple and efficient, with locking hooks and wrenches ensuring a precise fit on the tyre. EL-CAR gives you confidence and performance when you need to cope with extreme winter conditions.

The tensioning elements and the tightening keys are simple, efficient, robust.


  • Made of cemented chain (high tensile strength and surface hardened – wear resistant)
  • Chains with square links. The shape of the chain profile and the size of the chain is so chosen as to ensure a large contact – area and to bond with the tyre of the transport vehicle to produce grip.
  • Rhombic shaped grip group. The structure and density of the rolling network produces a significant increase in grip, facilitating the safe movement of loaded or empty trucks.
  • Locking hooks for a very good fit on the tyre
  • Tensioning key to ensure correct tightening of the chain on the tyre profile
  • Good road attire
  • Easy mounting
  • Approved R.A.R.
  • Intended for:
    • commercial vehicles
    • medium and heavy trucks
    • snow removal machines
    • various industrial vehicles

The diamond-shaped profile and optimal tread pattern density maximise traction and grip on snow and ice covered surfaces. This allows commercial and industrial vehicles to travel safely in the harshest winter conditions.

All in all, EL-CAR’s ROMB anti-skid nets are the reliable partner in difficult winter conditions. They combine durable materials, advanced technology and quality certifications to protect you on Romania’s snowy and icy roads. The perfect choice for mobility and safety.

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Square cemented chain


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